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December 29, 2024

Honoring Meitarim’s Founder Rabbi Melchior in his 70th Year

Since Rabbi Michael Melchior decided to join public life almost 30 years ago following the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, he has served as an example to us all, humbly pursuing peace and unity amongst the Jewish people.


February 1, 2023

Rabbi Michael Melchior is interviewed on Turkish TV

"Religion needs to be at the forefront of peace making."


November 24, 2021

Bridge Builder Award 2021

Rabbi Melchior received the Norwegian Bridge Builder's Award, alongside H.E. Dr. Mohammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, Secretary General of the Muslim World League and H.E. Rev. Prof. Dr. Ioan Sauca, acting Secretary General of the World Council of Churches.


November 2, 2021

20 Years of Meitarim - Conference of "Integrated Life in the State of Israel"

Watch snippets of speeches by Rabbi Michael Melchior, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, President Isaac Herzog and more!


December 6, 2020

Why is Integrated Education an investment in a better Israeli society?

Meitarim is revolutionizing education in Israel through creating a framework for integrated education and society.


November 2, 2020

Religious Peace with Rabbi Melchior and Sheikh Bader

What is Religious Peace? What happens when religious leaders meet?


September 16, 2020

Krister Stendahl Memorial Lecture 2016: Michael Melchior

Can Radical, Fundamental Religion Live in a World of Humanism, Democracy and Peace?


August 17, 2020

Netanel Barak talking with Rabbi Michael Melchior about peace and dialogue

Rabbi Michael Melchior speaks about religious peacebuilding and religious dialogue


April 29, 2020

Religious Zionism & Peace Building: Rabbi Michael Melchior interviewed by Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz

Interview with Rabbi Michael Melchior about Religious Zionism and peacebuilding


June 18, 2019

Rabbi Michael Melchior, Chairman of the Mosaica Center for Religious Conflict Transformation

Interview to Rabbi Michael MELCHIOR, Chairman of the Mosaica Center for Religious Conflict Transformation in the Middle East during the Second Global Summit on Religion, Peace, and Security: Building Bridges, Fostering Inclusivity and Countering Hate Speech to Enhance the Protection of Religious Minorities, Refugees and Migrants. Held in the United Nations of Geneva, Room XX from Apr 29 to May 1, 2019.


June 12, 2019

Award of Excellence Ambassador for Liberty and Peace 2019

The second edition of the International Awards of Excellence Ambassador for Liberty and Peace granted by The International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty


August 31, 2018

Reaching a Religious Peace: A Conversation with Rabbi Michael Melchior

Zoom Lecture by Rabbi Michael Melchior, where he discusses his work with Sheikh Darwish


February 14, 2018

Rabbi Michael Melchior on God, Land & People-- Caring for People & Nature

Rabbi Michael Melchior speaks to Jewish environmental sustainability


May 1, 2017

Michael Melchior

Rabbi Michael Melchior speaks about religious peacebuiliding among Israelis and Palestinians and reads aloud the Joint Peace Declaration from the Summit of Religious Leaders for Peace in the Holy Land, held in Spain 2016.


November 26, 2016

Rabbi Michael Melchior at Global Summit: Religion, Peace and Security

Rabbi Michael Melchior at the Global Summit in Geneva on Religion, Peace, and Security, where he shares his best practices about religious peacebuilding


September 6, 2015

How can religion promote peace not conflict Panel - Limmud Jerusalem 2015

Rabbis Melanie Landau, Michael Melchior and Daniel Roth explore the role of religion and religious communities in conflict transformation


February 22, 2015

Ring of peace – Muslims outside synagogue in Oslo, Norway

Gathering of Muslims around Oslo synogogue a week after terrorist attack in Denmark


December 8, 2014

Rabbi Michael Melchior on Environmental Stewardship – "Earth is a Gift From God"

Rabbi Michael Melchior, who also acted as moderator of the panel session, said that Jerusalem is a holy city and that it is supposed to be and can be a gate to heaven


December 8, 2014

Youth Parliament of Mixed Cities Ramla-Lod High School

Slideshow of CAF Youth Parliament


August 18, 2014

Exclusive interview with former Israeli Minister Rabbi Michael Melchior

Interview with Rabbi Michael Melchior during the 2014 Gaza War


August 5, 2014

Rabbi Michael Melchior: Educator, Participant in Dialogue Evening in Tel Aviv

Rabbi Michael Melchior participates in evening of dialogue during the 2014 Gaza War


June 20, 2014

L'Chayim - Rabbi Michael Melchior Interview

Chief Rabbi of Norway and former Israeli Minister and MK Rabbi Michael Melchior discusses his work with the Israel Civic Action Forum and his vision for a religious peace between Israel and the Palestinians


February 11, 2014

Exclusive interview with former Israeli Cabinet Minister, Rabbi Michael Melchior

Rabbi Michael Melchior discusses religious peacebuilding on I24 News


August 12, 2013

Rabbi Michael Melchior visits United Hatzalah's HQ in Jerusalem

Visit to the headquarters of United Hatzalah and praises the organization and its volunteers' work


May 31, 2013

Rosner’s Torah-Talk: Parashat Shelach Lecha with Rabbi Michael Melchior

Shmuel Rosner talks with Rabbi Michael Melchior about the Torah portion Shlach Lecha


July 8, 2012

2012 - Tomorrow's Religion - Rabbi Michael Melchior

Panel: Tomorrow's Religion -- Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?


February 13, 2011

The Conversion Crisis: Who is a Jew?

Rabbi Michael Melchior on the Israeli "Law of Return", enacted in 1950


January 3, 2010

Meeting Rabbi Melchior

Rabbi Michael Melchior speaks about the Labor party and security, social programs, and needing to act better toward Arab minorities in Israel.


July 10, 2008

MK Rabbi Michael Melchior, Chairman, Education, Culture, and Sports Committee

The 6th International Conference on Holocaust Education - Teaching the Shoah -- Fighting Racism and Prejudice.


November 15, 2005

2005 Sol Kanee Lecture - Rabbi Michael Melchior

Rabbi Michael Melchior delivers the 3rd Annual Sol Kanee Lecture "The World at a Crossroads: Dialogue and Coalition-building between Religions and Cultures"

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